HR Caddy

Frequent questions

additional info

No! we don’t believe in holding clients to long terms arrangements, lots of things can change, all we ask is for a 12 month commitment. We believe in relationship building and with this in mind feel confident client wouldn’t want to leave us unless absolutely needed too!

A lot of our support is done via Telephone or Email, but there are times clients require us to attend site to support them or act on there behalf. We also have arrangements with clients where we attend site on a regular basis eg. 3 half days a month or twice a week.

Simply Yes! We are a small team, sometimes the member of the team might be in a meeting, but a message will get through to the person to contact you! Alternatively, we are a Team so any other member of the team should be able to assist for times when the team might not be available eg. Holiday

As external consultants we work in partnership with your organisation while being able to offer independent and impartial advice.

We have the flexibility to ensure that capacity is never an issue.  If you are busy, or simply need some specialist advice, we can help to cover the workload.  Once things have calmed down, or you have the information you need, you can be assured that a comprehensive professional handover will always be completed and you can continue to focus on your business needs.

We are able to offer HR advice at all the levels you would expect from a complex HR function – from administrative support to strategic input at a HR Director level.